Versatility incorporated – freeride/freewave windsurfing on wave gear
April 26th, 2018 Posted by Bouke Becker Tips and motivation No Comment yetPics: Geraint Roberts
As many will know Witchcraft specialise in making high quality, hard wearing windsurfing equipment that stands up to the harshest of environments. Our home base of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, is a tough place to exist if you’re a windsurf board or sail – not just the strong sun but also rocky shorelines do their level best to destroy kit on a regular basis.
Another trait of the WC brand is our penchant for a wave or two. With many hard charging wave sailors owning our gear over time a reputation has grown within this area of the sport. Just take a look at WC head honch Bouke who loves a bit of juice! And yet, there’s more to Witchcraft than being a one trick pony…