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Interview with German Surf Magazin

The German Surf Magazin published an interview with Bouke on their website: Click here There is also a button top right for the english version.

Board cost break down

What are the differences between the Witchcraft SDT, CBC and HDD constructions? The HDD lasts longer and is more impact resistant but  CBC is lighter and SDT is cheaper, which can be tempting. So what makes sense when it comes down to invest your hard earned cash in a new board? Let´s have a look […]

How to tell from what Year a Witchcraft board is.

How to tell from which year a Witchcraft board is. As we do not work with different shapes or graphics each year, it can be hard to tell how old a Witchcraft board is. At times we get requests from people asking us for more info about a used Witchcraft for sale on the internet, […]

Bouke Becker – Witchcraft’s head honcho in the Q&A hot seat

Witchcraft Windsurfing’s founder, owner and shaper Bouke Becker gets put in the hot seat for this Q&A. Want to find out more about the Fuerteventura based windsurfing brand? Then read on…

Efficient footstrap setting for waves, freestyle and beyond

When windsurfers discovered the benefits of footsraps back in the 80s the door was literally broken down for all manner of aerial shenanigans, as well as more locked in feels that would benefit those who love a cranking carve.

Internship 2017

For 2017 we have an internship placement available for coming engineers. One project is to do a full research on the total environmental impact of windsurf boards, comparing various production and construction methods including the new bio resins and foams. Also we have an internship available for web and social media marketing students.

Probably the strongest RDM mast

Our new RDM mast extension is now available. We did not really have any ambition to start making accesories like this but started developing these out of frustration with breaking all available mast extensions and not getting any response of various reputed brands to make them stronger through various years. Click on the picture for […]