Style and finesse – Yannick Anton Witchcraft team rider Q&A
May 24th, 2018 Posted by Bouke Becker Tips and motivation No Comment yetYannick Anton is no stranger to full on windsurfing conditions. A former PWA competitor, who’s abundant finesse and skill on the water always gets nods of approval, he’s stylish yet humble. We caught up with Yannick in between teaching sessions at his windsurf school and personal windsurfing time to get some more info.
Tell us when and where windsurfing began for you.
I began windsurfing at 9 years old in France, at the AGASC nautical centre of St Laurent du Vars.
It is a place close to Nice, the city where I grew up.
At what point did you think ‘this is the sport for me’?
I originally had a strong connection with the sea and the wind since my family had always sailed boats. As a 6 week old baby I was already onboard of my grandfather. When my mom proposed I try windsurfing I said: “Ok, why not”, without real enthusiasm. But I discovered that I was really comfortable with this sport.