Tackling BIG conditions – upping the ante with your windsurfing: tips to help you push on
November 16th, 2017 Posted by Bouke Becker Tips and motivation No Comment yetEveryone loves an image or video edit of your fave windsurfer going big at spot XXX. As mesmerising as these stunts are they’re a world away from what the majority could achieve? Many of these riders are paid up pros with a large support crew behind them. In most instances he/she going large will have the necessary equipment on tap and most likely access a fat cheque for their troubles at the end of the session. This isn’t to say the everyday windsurfers can’t achieve similar levels of stoke – if not actual similar levels of extreme performance. But that doesn’t matter as long as you’re having fun…
So how do you go bigger? Here are a few tips to help you on your way.